Dec 29, 2009

Cozonac Moldovenesc cu Nuca

1 kg flour
10 egg yolks
250 g melted butter
2 tsp rum
2 tsp vanilla
zest of 2 large oranges
4 teaspoon yeast
1/2 liter milk

400 g sugar
400 g nuts (crushed)
6 egg whites
3-4 tbsp coco powder
sugar to taste

Heat milk to 102 F. Divide in two half's - in one add 4 table spoons of flour and the yeast and in the other the sugar, vanilla, rum and orange peel.

In the kitchenaid, start of (low speed) with the eggs, add milk with flavorings, butter then the flour (cup by cup). After the first 3 cups add the milk and yeast mixture and continue adding the remaining flour (with a dough hook attached).

Grease a large bowl with vegetable oil and place dough in it and let rise at warm temp for an hour or until doubled in size. Divide dough in 3 equal parts and then divide those in half.

Filling: Beat the egg whites and sugar until peaks form. Add coco powder and nuts.

Spread each portion out and spread the filling inside it. Roll back up and braid with it's other half (which needs to be filled and rolled the same prior).

Bake at 350 until golden brown ca. 45 min.

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